Title: The Vagina Monologues: The V-Day Edition (Paperback)
Author: Eve Ensler
ISBN10: 0375756981 ISBN-13: 978-0375756986
Binding: Paper
Date: 2001
Publisher: Villard
Number of Pages: 185
Price: INR 384/-
Author: Eve Ensler
ISBN10: 0375756981 ISBN-13: 978-0375756986
Binding: Paper
Date: 2001
Publisher: Villard
Number of Pages: 185
Price: INR 384/-
Ensler, famous, maybe notorious, for her witty, wildly popular meditation on female sexuality, The Vagina Monologues (1998), is as much journalist as playwright. Even her more traditional plays, such as this one, are based on extensive research. For Necessary Targets, she went to Bosnia to interview women who had survived the recent, brutal war. As in the Vagina Monologues , her hard work pays off. The play is a sobering reminder of the barbarism committed in the name of national sovereignty. Its accounts of the Serbian use of terror, especially rape, as a weapon against civilians are especially chilling. But the play is more than another news account of the war. Ensler shapes her findings into a series of compelling, highly characterized portraits of the refugees and a pair of well-meaning, sometimes misguided American women who come to help them. Ensler's portrayals avoid the easy cliches of quick-hit news stories and convey human experience in all its painful complexity. Jack HelbigCopyright © American Library Association.
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